Sunday, June 30, 2013

30-Day Challenge Results!

I did it!  The June 30-Day Challenge is OVER!!!  I have squatted and pushed myself through the whole month!  I must say, it feels good!!!!!  I am super excited that I was able to actually finish this.  I did miss a day or two and had to make that up with a couple morning and night sets, but I did.  Will admit that I was hoping for better results, but I am not going to complain.  I am going to work HARDER!

                                     June 1st                                               June 30th
                               Waist 28 inches                                   Waist 30 inches   
                               Hips 37 6/8 inches                               Hips 37 6/8 inches
                               Thighs 22 1/2 inches                           Thighs 22 inches
                               Arm 11 1/2 inches                               Arm 11 1/2 inches
                               Bust 34 inches                                     Bust 34 inches
                                                          Beginning weight 136 pounds
                                                          Ending weight       131 pounds   
Same pair of jeans with an extra few days in the sun :)  I have to say that when I took my measurements today that I was in shock when my waist had grown by two whole inches!!  Yikes!!!  Then I remembered.....mother nature is about to make a visit.  So the bloating should be gone in few days I am going to remeasure.

I do notice that the jeans do not feel as tight and I have less lappage.  I am also feeling more tones!  I am loving this.  No big results, but I did make progress and that was enough to keep me motivated.  You can find all my before pictures here
Starting tomorrow....I will be posting a new 30-Day Challenge for July.  I am super stoked to get started on this.  Oh, and it is even more challenging!  There will be cardio...nothing too drastic but enough to get that heart pumping.
BE sure to check back tomorrow, I will be posting a calendar of the new challenge!  I would love for you to join in on the challenge with me.  If you would like a copy of the calendar sent you just let me know and I can email you a copy.
So looking forward to seeing some more results in 30 days!



  1. Great Job! Keep it up and before long you will be at your goal! Great tan by the way ;)

  2. Thanks so much! Im am really going to try to work hard on this months challenge. I haven't been able to zip these jeans in two years! I just want to be at what I was four years ago. I posted Julys challenge up, feel free to join me!!


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