Monday, June 24, 2013

My Little Pony Galore!

When I was little, I absolutely loved My Little Pony!  I had the pony dolls, castle and just about anything that you could imagine that they were printed on!  I was a total 80's child, and when I had my little girl, the ponys were making their way back into mainstream once again.  I can not tell you how excited I was about this.
When my daughters was transitioning over from her crib to toddler bed, I knew that I had to redo her room with........none other than the My Little Pony theme from my child hood.  I did some looking around and couldn't find bedding and such items that I was going to need to redo her room.  They had just started to release the toys on the shelves and suppose they weren't ready for my takeover yet!
This ladies and when I bought my first sewing machine!!  My great grandmother was a master quilter, and watching her all those years....I knew I could do!  So, I then started searching for fabric.  This they had!  I found the fabric on ebay.  There was a listing for a bundle of 12 yards, two different prints and I knew I had to have it.  By the way, this is a throwback post.....this all took place about 8 years ago...but I wanted to share.
My sewing machine didn't stop running for days.  I made her a quilt and several pillows.  Once I got going I couldn't stop..........I had sooooooo much of this fabric.  I recovered the glider in her room and made her a valance for her window.
This is a pretty bad picture, I had to pull this out of the photo album, I was digitalized yet! 
A few years later, when she started growing a mind of her own, she decided that she no longer wanted the ponys.......I was very sad to see them go.  The problem here, well.......I still had yards upon yards of this fabric left!  I was hoping to use it again to make her a quilt when she switched bed sizes again but that was now not going to happen.
I did manage to get lucky once.  About four years ago, I good friend of mine was pregnant with a girl!  Oh, here was my chance to finally get to use  up some more of this fabric. 
For her babyshower, I made her a quilt with the ponys!  She loved it!  And her little girl still uses it to this day. 
Ok, some more bad pictures.......I know......but these are throwbacks!
The problem I am now having, and the reason this post is being thrown out there, is that while cleaning out my stash.......I realized that I still have several yards of this fabric!  I have ran out of room to store anything new that I buy so I am trying to use up some of my supply.  This fabric must go!  My daughter wants nothing to do with it and no one I know is having little girls anytime soon.
So what do I do with it?  What would you do with it?  I would really like to make something out of it.  I thought about making a couple baby quilts and just storing them a way for quick gifts.  That doesn't get rid of my problem though.  I need to make space for new stuff and this idea would just be moving it from one spot to another, lol.  I guess if all else fails there is always ebay :(

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